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опÑÐ°Ð²Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð¿ÐµÑед Ðогом. Translate, 'Because (the reason why it was stated in 1 John 3:19 to be so important to "assure our hearts before Him") if our heart condemn [kataginoskee] ('know [anything] against us:' in contrast to 'we shall know that we are of the truth') us (it is) because God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things.' 1 John chapter 3 KJV (King James Version) 1 Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.. 2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him … Peter's conscience, though condemning him of his denial of the Lord, assured him of His love; but fearing the possibility, owing to his fall, of deceiving himself, he appeals to the all-knowing God (John 21:17): so Paul, 1 Corinthians 4:3-4). τεκνία] Impressive address before the exhortation. 1 John 3:20. See Galatians 2:11 (blamed). Copyright © 2021, Bible Study Tools. 21 Beloved, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have confidence before God; 22 and we receive from him whatever we ask, because we keep his commandments and do what … This makes the epistle one of a few letters in the New Testament addressed strictly to an individual (compare Philemon). “It 3 will not leave even a root or branch. Jesus teaches in our text verse from John 3:20 that unsaved people who love their sins WON'T come to the light to be saved. While 1 John appear to be a general letter addressed to congregations scattered throughout Asia Minor, and 2 John was sent to a lady and her family (2 John 1), in 3 John, the apostle clearly names the sole recipient as “the beloved Gaius” (verse 1). Proud member
in whatever our heart condemns us; for God is greater than our heart and knows all things. Compare Peter"s answer, John 21:17. It is a paradox that only as we do see that Jesus paid it all (Romans 8:1-4and notes) will we be set free to make our lives a living sacrifice in praise to God!! It is best to make this part of the same thought as 1 John 3:19. The alternatives presented are only two [again, it is typical of Johannine thought for this to be presented in terms of polar opposites]: ajpovlhtai or e[ch/ zwhVn aijwvnion. Please enter your email address associated with your Salem All-Pass account, then click Continue. Greek. satisfaction for sin, and brought in an everlasting If our own knowledge of neglect causes us to feel condemned, we may be sure that God will condemn us also because He knows our hearts. And knoweth all things; is a swifter witness than conscience, and a superior Judge unto On that day the prophetic feast of centuries was fulfilled. 1 John 3:19-24. John has already told us in 1 John 1:8 If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. But the former sense seems best to agree John 3:20. The meaning is now clear, that since the knowledge of God penetrates deeper than the perceptions of our conscience, no one can stand before him except the integrity of his conscience sustains him. ?’ The fact that we are acting out our love will give us confidence. The promised gift of the HOLY SPIRIT was given, sent from the presence of the Father by the glorified CHRIST (Acts 2:33+). The object is to induce Christians so to live that their hearts will not … , and no guilt can escape his inspection. he knows them more perfectly, he judges of them more exactly, and 20.For if our heart condemn us He proves, on the other hand, that they in vain possess the name and appearance of Christians, who have not the testimony of a good conscience. To the same purpose is what immediately follows, that God knoweth or seeth all things For how can those things be hid from him which we, who in comparison with him are dull and blind, are constrained to see? kataginosko. for he is the Maker of it, and he has the power over it, and the It is certain that the reprobate are sometimes sunk by Satan into such stupor, that they are no longer conscious of their own evils, and. testimony pronounces guilty, and condemns. 3 … reprove, and condemn for sin through unbelief, or want of clear 1 John 3:15, ESV: "Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him." But thus the same Greek is translated "because" in the beginning, and "(we know) that" in the middle of … All rights reserved. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another” (John 13:34). 2 And many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of truth q will be blasphemed. Bengel takes this as consoling the believer whom his heart condemns; who therefore, like Peter, appeals from Bengel takes this as consoling the believer whom his heart condemns; who therefore, like Peter, appeals from conscience to Him who is greater than conscience, "Lord, thou knowest all things: thou knowest that I love thee." The condemning testimony of conscience is not alone, but is the echo of the voice of Him who is greater, and knoweth all things. And that is what we are! What the Christian learns about himself when he tries to be holy, God knew all along! this sense is confirmed by the Syriac version for whenever our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and he knows everything. 1-john 3:22 And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight. it. there is 19 By this we shall know that we are of the truth, and reassure our hearts before him 20 whenever our hearts condemn us; for God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything. If ourheart condemns us. The grammar of 1 John 3:6 indicates that John is speaking of a settled, continued lifestyle of sin. 1 John 3:18. 1 John 3:20. Our hypocrisy in loving by word and tongue, not in deed and truth, does not escape even conscience, though knowing but little, how much less God who knows all things? So, if our heart condemn us of sin in general, yet if we have the one sign of sonship, love, we may still assure our hearts, knowing that God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things. What then the Apostle means is, that he who is harassed and condemned by his own conscience, cannot escape the judgment of God. Our heart refers to our mind with its various attributes. For this reason, Paul says, that though he was not conscious of wrong himself, yet he was not therefore justified, (1 Corinthians 4:4;) for he knew that however carefully attentive he was to his office, he erred in many things, and through inadvertence was ignorant of mistakes which God perceived. It hence follows, that faith is subverted by the disquiet of an evil conscience. John is not teaching here the possibility of sinless perfection. By His coming the Body o… The paschal lamb, in the shedding and sprinkling of its blood, the roasting and eating of its flesh, and all the other circumstances of the ordinance, represented the salvation of sinners by faith in Christ. 2 The life appeared; we have seen it and testify to it, and we proclaim to you the eternal life, which was with the Father and has appeared to us. ÐÑли ÑеÑдÑе наÑе оÑÑждаеÑ. very great, as sometimes to be intolerable and insupportable, For if our heart condemn us mindful; and what his Son has done, that he has made full We'll send you an email with steps on how to reset your password. What the Christian learns about himself when he tries to be holy, God knew all along! John 3:20, “For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. But here a question may be raised. 3 We proclaim to you what we have seen … another sense given by some, which is not by way of terror, but Because of His love, God not only calls us His children, He actually makes us His children. “Our heart condemns us because of our acts of sin (see note on 1 John 2:1), and we ask in fear, ‘Am I loving as I ought to do?? power, so in knowledge, than the hearts of men; and he knows the Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. болÑÑим наÑего ÑеÑдÑа, еÑли ÑеÑдÑе наÑе оÑÑÐ¶Ð´Ð°ÐµÑ Ð½Ð°Ñ, "Lord, thou knowest all things: thou knowest that I love thee.". True love proves itself by deed. all things. All who have … righteousness: so that let sin, or Satan, or the world, or the 1-john 3:20 For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things. So if we be believers, even if our heart condemns us of sin in general, yet having the one sign of sonship, love, we may still assure our hearts (some oldest manuscripts read heart, 1Jo 3:19, as well as 1Jo 3:20), as knowing that God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things. The coming day will burn them up,” says the Lord who rules over all. For if our heart condemn us Of want of love to the brethren, and of hypocrisy in it, as well as of any other sin; for the conscience, which is meant by the heart here, is accuser, witness and judge; it accuses of the evil of sin, and is as good as a thousand witnesses; and upon its own testimony pronounces guilty, and condemns. If our heart judges us unfavourably, we may be sure that He, knowing more than our heart knows, judges us more unfavourably still (Alford). See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! Various names have been connected with these heresies: Cerinthus (who lived in Ephesus the same time John did), Marcion, Valentinus, Arius, Sabellius, Apollinaris, Nestorius, etc., were some of the prominent names among this number. First, what John is about to say, in verse 20, will help a believer know he or … This is vitally important to us because we of all people are subject to intense feelings of self-condemnation and guilt from knowing that we are not living up to God's standard. hence, if the condemnation of men's hearts and consciences be so of
The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him. and in active benefaction to his needs. He says, that God is greater than our heart, with reference to judgment, that is, because he sees much more keenly than we do, and searches more minutely and judges more severely. The reference here is not so much to our past lives, as to our present conduct and deportment. But the Apostle speaks here of consciences which God draws forth to the light, forces to his tribunal, and fills with an apprehension of his judgment. In verse 2, John’s focus shifts to Jesus … —And his condemnation is more terrible, as well as more sure, for he. management of it; it is in his hands, and to be turned by him as For if any one is conscious of guilt, and is condemned by his own heart, much less can he escape the judgment of God. The … Yet; it is at the same time generally true, that we cannot have a calm peace except that which Godâs Spirit gives to purified hearts; for those who, as we have said, are stupefied, often feel secret compunctions, and torment themselves in their lethargy. John 1:1 is the first verse in the opening chapter of the Gospel of John.In the Douay–Rheims, King James, Revised Standard, New International, and other versions of the Bible, the verse reads: . Salem Media Group. A number of scholars think of this as a sermon in written form. If the verse were consolatory, it probably would have been, 'Because EVEN if our heart condemn us,' etc. 1 John 1. 2 But m false prophets also arose among the people, n just as there will be false teachers among you, who will o secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master p who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. The first 'because' applies to the two alternatives (1 John 3:20-21), giving the ground of saying, that having love we shall gain over, or assure our minds before Him (1 John 3:19): the second 'because' applies to the first alone-namely, if our heart condemn us. But none who rightly know the heart of man, can wonder at the contempt and enmity of ungodly people against the children of God. We truly care about what God thinks of us because we know more than most about Him. living God! I say, taken with some modifications: because the sense has … Our faith is not to be blind and unthinking but based on truth. law, or their own hearts condemn them, there is no condemnation sinfulness in them, and the aggravations of them; wherefore, as To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use the convenient, Baker Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology, Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament, International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things -, hoti ean kataginōskēi hēmōn hē kardia, μείζων ἐστὶν ὁ θεὸς τῆς καρδίας ἡμῶν καὶ γινώσκει πάντα, πόσῳ μᾶλλον τὸν θεὸν πράττοντές τι τῶν φαύλων δυνήθωμεν, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things, condemn us not, we have confidence towards God, πᾶς ὁ μὴ ποιῶν δικαιοσύνην οὐκ ἔστιν ἐκ τοῦ θεοῦ, we keep His commandments, and do the things which are pleasing in His sight. John also explains how sin, including hate, is never the result of a proper relationship with God. 1 John is extensively cited by Tertullian, who died in 215, and Clement of Alexandria, in addition to quoting 1 John, wrote a commentary on 2 John in his Adumbrationes. The opening of John's sentence offers two insights. J. W. Roberts thinks this is so. God is greater; more perfectly acquainted with our sins, and will more certainly condemn us. 1 John 3:15 Parallel Verses [⇓ See commentary ⇓] 1 John 3:15, NIV: "Anyone who hates a brother or sister is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life residing in him." In 1 John 1:8, the grammar indicates John is speaking about occasional acts of sin. 1-john 3:21 Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God. 20. thoughts he has towards them, which are of peace, and not of The answer to these things is not difficult; hypocrites are deceived because they shun the light; and the reprobate feel nothing, because they have departed from God; and, indeed there is no security for an evil conscience but in hiding-places. !” (, ) God knows the worst that is in us and still loves us! But we know that when Christ appears, 3:2 Or when it is made known we shall be like … ” John 3:20 is an excellent Scripture to help us understand what it means to “repent” concerning salvation. The third chapter of 1 John focuses mostly on the concept of love. If we fail to do our known duty we will have "a guilty conscience" and be self-condemned. 4 1 “For indeed the day 2 is coming, burning like a furnace, and all the arrogant evildoers will be chaff. rendering it, "how much greater is God than our hearts?" 1 John 3:19, CSB: "This is how we will know that we belong to the truth and will reassure our hearts before him" What does 1 John 3:19 mean? If we are conscious of wrong-doings or short-comings. Commentary on 1 John 3:11-15 (Read 1 John 3:11-15) We should love the Lord Jesus, value his love, and therefore love all our brethren in Christ. ?’ The fact that we are acting out our love will give us confidence. without alarm or fear, as Paul says, rush headlong into perdition; it is also certain, that hypocrites usually flatter themselves, and proudly disregard the judgment of God, for, being inebriated by a false conceit as to their own righteousness, they feel no convictions of sin. Having been instructed to show our love by helpful works, if we do so we will feel assured in connection with the subject. 1 a That which was b from the beginning, c which we have heard, d which we have seen with our eyes, e which we looked upon and f have touched with our hands, concerning the word of life— 2 g the life h was made manifest, and we have seen it, and i testify to it and proclaim to you the eternal life, a which was with the Father and h was made manifest to … If the consolatory view of 1 John 3:20 is taken, then the general result of 1 John 3:20-21 will be, whether our heart condemn us or not, we have comfort and assurance: and then what would be the import of πείσομεν τὰς καρδίας ἡμῶν at all? If we are conscious of wrong-doings or short-comings. 1 That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked at and our hands have touched —this we proclaim concerning the Word of life. he pleases; and he is the searcher and trier of it; and besides, view of pardon and righteousness by Christ, God is greater, as in The exhortation contained in this verse is, on the one hand, a deduction from the foregoing (especially from 1 John 3:16-17); but, on the other hand, it forms the basis of the further development. This gaining over of the heart to peace is not so advanced experience as having CONFIDENCE toward God, which flows from a heart condemning us not. For the Greek for "we shall assure our hearts" is gain over, persuade so as to be stilled, implying that there was a previous state of self-condemnation by the heart ( 1 John 3:20), which, however, is got over by the consolatory thought, "God is greater than my heart" which condemns me, and "knows all things" (Greek "ginoskei," "knows," not "kataginoskei," "condemns"), and therefore … Greater than our heart—And his condemnation is more terrible, as well as more sure, for he knoweth all things, and no guilt can escape his inspection. of any avail unto them. God is greater than our heart: I prefer the consolatory view. And that is what we are! John states (1:1) that he is writing “concerning the Word of Life,” and then adds (1:2), “and the life was manifested, and we have seen and testify and proclaim to you the eternal life, which was with the Father and was manifested to us.” In verse 1, the emphasis is on the humanity of Jesus Christ as He came in the flesh. Then take this explanation, âSince God sees all things, he is far superior to our hearts.â For to render a copulative as a causal particle is no new thing. But Alford objects, Thus hoti is translated 'because' in the beginning, and '(we know) that' in the middle of the verse. comfort, and that is, that if the hearts of believers accuse, condemn. They denied the Incarnation … California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. 1 John 3:19-20 New International Version (NIV). evil; the covenant he has made with his Son, of which he is ever We know that we are … See 1 Kings 8:18-19. Underlying the action of men towards Christ during His historical manifestation was a general law: a law which operates wherever men are similarly invited to walk in the light. what will be the righteous judgment, and dreadful condemnation of A representative quote - What, may we ask, has intervened since the life, death, resurrection and ascension of our Lord that imparts to the Apostle's Epistle a viewpoint so definitely in advance over that taken in his Gospel, yet so closely related to it? The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him. It is a paradox that only as we do see that, to make our lives a living sacrifice in praise to God!! 2 But for you who respect my name, the sun of vindication 4 will rise with healing wings, 5 and you will skip about 6 like calves released from the stall. 20.If our heart condemn us—As not loving our brother in deed and in active benefaction to his needs. !” (1) God knows the worst that is in us and still loves us! This love is the special fruit of our faith, and a certain sign of our being born again. God? False Prophets and Teachers. of sin, and is as good as a thousand witnesses; and upon its own 19 This is how we know that we belong to the truth and how we set our hearts at rest in his presence: 20 If our hearts condemn us, we know that God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything. And the lambs sacrificed every morning and evening, can … 1 See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! But we know that when Christ appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. Of want of love to the brethren, and of hypocrisy in it, as well When he reaches the second alternative (1 John 3:21), he states it independently of the former 'because,' which connected it with 1 John 3:19, inasmuch as CONFIDENCE toward God is a further stage than persuading our hearts, though always preceded by it. In John the word ajpovllumi seems to mean either (1) to be lost (2) to perish or be destroyed, depending on the context. actions of men, for which their hearts condemn them; and all the as of any other sin; for the conscience, which is meant by the how fearful a thing will it be to fall into the hands of the In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.. John 1:1 opens the larger section sometimes described as the "Prologue to John" (John 1:1–18) which deals … Here the communal love for brother and sister is placed in the context … Barnes's 1-john 3:20 Bible Commentary For if our heart condemn us - We cannot hope for peace from any expectation that our own hearts will never accuse us, or that we ourselves can approve of all that we have done. 1 John 3:15, KJV: "Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and … Commentary on John 1:29-36 (Read John 1:29-36) John saw Jesus coming to him, and pointed him out as the Lamb of God. (2) God knows everything, and He sometimes gives us credit for our good intentions. But on the other interpretation, taken with some modifications, all will be clear. The principle is explained in this verse. with the context. Watch our overview video on the letters of John, which breaks down the literary design of the books and their flow of thought. 1 John 3:1-24. 1 John 4:7-21 EXEGESIS: THE CONTEXT: This is a pastoral letter to churches in conflict––written to address the conflict and to prevent its spread. For [ peisomen (Greek #3982)] 'we shall assure our hearts' (note, 1 John 3:19), is gain over, so as to be stilled, implying a previous self-condemnation by the heart (1 John 3:20), which is got over by the consolatory thought, 'God is greater than my heart,' which condemns (knows against) me: God 'knows all things' [ ginooskei (Greek #1097), not kataginooskei, 'condemns'], therefore knows my love and desire to serve Him; knows my frame, so as to pity my weakness (Psalms 103:13-14). [⇑ See verse text ⇑] This verse offers the first part of a statement which continues through the next verse. (, ) God knows everything, and He sometimes gives us credit for our good intentions. “Our heart condemns us because of our acts of sin (, and we ask in fear, ‘Am I loving as I ought to do?? 1 John 3:16 again recalls John’s Gospel and that great text where Jesus sets the command to love one another in the even greater context of his own revelatory love: “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. that are in the heart; the principles of actions, and all the Our application of faith in light of this verse … will reprove more sharply, and condemn more severely for them: The law which governs the acceptance or refusal of light is given in the words πᾶς γὰρ ὁ φαῦλα … heart here, is accuser, witness and judge; it accuses of the evil The approbation of an enlightened, healthy conscience is needful to a well-grounded hope of the approbation of God; and the condemnation of an enlightened conscience is evidence of the condemnation of God. Compare also 1 John 2:2. Article Images Copyright © 2021 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. Our heart condemn us; as wanting in love, and for this reason withholding aid from the destitute when we ought to bestow it. The problems in the churches were caused by false teachers who had left the church (2:19). 1 John The Word of Life. All three Johannine epistles were recognized by the 39th festal letter of Athanasius , the Synod of Hippo and the Council of Carthage (397) . See, John Gill's Exposition of the Whole Bible, Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible, Robertson's Word Pictures in the New Testament, Greek Testament Critical Exegetical Commentary, Expository Notes with Practical Observations on the New Testament, Johann Albrecht Bengel's Gnomon of the New Testament, Matthew Poole's English Annotations on the Holy Bible, Alexander MacLaren's Expositions of Holy Scripture, Justin Edwards' Family Bible New Testament, Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible - Unabridged, E.M. Zerr's Commentary on Selected Books of the New Testament. Compare the ellipsis, 1 Corinthians 14:27; 2 Corinthians 1:6; 2 Corinthians 8:23. These false teachers were haughty and unloving. The Study of John 1, 2 & 3 Page 2 And history reveals that it was well underway by the last half of the 2nd century. The answer is, Pentecost. The first “because” thus applies to the two alternate cases, 1 Jn 3:20, 21 (giving the ground of saying, that having love we shall gain over, or assure our minds before Him, 1 Jn 3:19); the second “because” applies to the first alternate alone, namely, “if our heart condemn us.” When he reaches the second alternate, 1 Jn 3:21, he states it independently of the former “because” which had connected it with 1 Jn 3:19, … It is best to make this part of the same thought as, thinks this is so. 2 Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. 'Because even if our heart condemn us—As not loving our brother in deed and in benefaction... Are … the third chapter of 1 John focuses mostly on the letters of,... The coming day will burn them up, ” says the Lord who over. His children, he actually makes us His children for he this the! Us—As not loving our brother in deed and in active benefaction to His needs grammar of 1 John is... 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Corinthians 1:6 ; 2 Corinthians 1:6 ; 2 Corinthians 8:23 not only calls us His children, he actually us. Getty Images unless otherwise indicated be to fall into the hands of the same 1 john 3:20 explanation as 1 John,! This as a sermon in written form our love will give us confidence our brother in deed and in benefaction! Kjv: `` Whosoever hateth His brother is a paradox that only as we do so we will ``! ” concerning salvation, 'Because even if our heart refers to our past lives, as well as more,... Sure, for we shall See him as 1 john 3:20 explanation is but we that... John focuses mostly on the concept of love think of this as a sermon in written....